Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Risa Hontiveros Profile

It is not a sex bill.
A powerful supporter of the Reproductive Health Bill is Risa Hontiveros-Baraquel. She is a is a Filipino activist, journalist, and politician who is serving her second term as the party-list representative of the Akbayan Citizens' Action Party to the Philippines' House of Representatives since 2004. Having served as a journalist for ten years before venturing into politics, she is a recipient of the Kapisanan ng Mga Broadkaster ng Pilipinas' Golden Dove Award for Best Female Newscaster. She is the older sister of Journalist and Television Host Pia Hontiveros.

She has raised her profile in the UK, by making a formal complaint about a popular satirical British TV show Harry & Paul. This allegedly "racist" sketch depicts a wealthy southerner (played by Harry Enfield) who keeps a poor lethargic northerner (played by Paul Whitehouse) as a pet. This poor northerner is encouraged to mount the southerner's Filipina maid. Risa Hontiveros described the September episode of Harry & Paul as "revolting and disgusting". This is only one of a series of sketches during the show's run in which Harry is seen to treat Paul's character as a dog or other family pet as an example how class and the north/south divide devalues anyone of a lower social status, be they northern or ethnic domestic staff.

Source: Here
Risa Hontiveros-Baraquel

 Regarding RH Bill

one of many things that Senator Risa Hontiveros (now senatorial candidate) talked about and is focused on, is a platform on Health & Women. The RH Bill, which she discussed in depth during our meet, fall into that.

Here are the guiding principles of the RH Bill:
  • freedom of choice with no bias for either modern or natural method of family planning;
  • it is about health and rights, not demographics;
  • individuals are provided free, full access to relevant, adequate and correct information on reproductive health and human sexuality by the State and professional private practitioners;
  • gender equality and women empowerment and their protection, promotion and guarantee are central elements;
  • aims to ensure birth and care of healthy children;
  • promotes responsible parenting;
  • promotes breastfeeding through joint effort between local government and national government.
  • abortion remains a crime and is punishable by law *but* post abortion complications shall be treated, counseled in a humane, nonjudgmental and compassionate manner.
  • respect for, protection and fulfillment of reproductive health rights of children to adults are guaranteed
  • aims to uplift the quality of life of people, especially the poor, the needy and marginalized;
  • aims to seek active participation of government and non government organization;
  • the RH Bill does not legalize Abortion.
  • aims active participation between government, non government and people's organizations and communities
Basically, the RH Bill aims to resolve our population problem. If we don’t act now, we will double our population not in 20 years but in 10 years. Personally, I believe the main goal won't be resolved with this bill.  What is lacking here is not just education but discipline.  If we don't impose, people will just continue with their old habits and our current problems will not go away. Let's think of Filipinos as Filipinos.

I understand where the legislators are coming from when they passed this bill.  We are a catholic country.  Even with how conservative this bill was made, there were still some bishops/priests lambasting politicians who support the RH bill.

Risa's point of view is that free will is a gift of God.  The church can preach and teach but what doesn't take well with her is the bishops' bullying.  Though we all think that most politicians tend to keep mum about the RH bill because they wouldn't want to lose Catholic votes,  Risa mentioned surveys actually say most Filipinos are for the RH Bill. She also mentioned that the Catholic vote is a myth.

Source: Here

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